Caviar of the sea hedgehog

We know about the sea hedgehog everything and how best to deliver to you the highest quality, incredibly useful and 100% natural product. Discover the entire incredible spectrum of rare, but very necessary natural vitamins, components and minerals from the caviar of the sea hedgehog, obtained in the environmentally friendly seas of the North.
It was produced in Murmansk - it is supplied around the world.
We are trusted by hundreds of deceschers, including the professionals of the HoReCA segment of Russia, Japan and other countries.
Quality guarantee, certificates.
We have all the necessary certificates, equipment and work experience to provide you with the best restaurant product.
Our doors are open to you.
We invite you to visit our factory and under the control of professionals to get the caviar of the sea hedgehog, ready for consumption in its fresher form!

Our products Try the caviar of the sea hedgehog of premium quality made on the Kola Peninsula on Japanese technologies without adding preservatives. Cooling, shock freezing or dried - evaluate the fullness of the taste of an environmentally friendly and incredibly useful product.

Shock frost
Caviar of sea hedgehog frozen 50 grams
Caviar of sea hedgehog frozen 50 grams Frozen with a shock acoustic freezing installation
Consumer packaging: PET jar 0.08ml 50 grams
Transport packaging: Thermobox 9*20*17 cm is an investment of 80 cans.
Mass Net of one transport place: 4 kg.
Mass gross of one transport place: 4.2 kg.
Extraction period: 1 year at storage temperature no higher than -18°C
Delivery by plane.
Frozen premium caviar of the sea hedgehog 100 grams
Frozen premium caviar of the sea hedgehog 100 grams Made according to Japanese technology: frozen with a shock acoustic freezer installation
Consumer packaging: Container food plastic "5 cells", 100g
Transport packaging: Cardboard box 20.5*20.5*17.5cm - attachment of 10 consumer packs of 100g.
Mass Net of one transport place: 1 kg.
Mass gross of one transport place: 1.2 kg.
Extraction period: 1 year at storage temperature not exceeding -18 ° C
Delivery by plane.

Caviar of the sea hedgehog chilled in a brine 50 grams
Caviar of the sea hedgehog chilled in a brine 50 grams Made using Japanese technology
Consumer packaging: Bank Pat 0.08ml, 50 grams
Transport packaging: Thermobox 29*20*17 - investment of 60 cans. Packed with refrigerators.
Mass Net of one transport place: 3 kg.
Mass gross of one transport place: 5.2 kg.
Extraction period: 10 days at storage temperature from 0° C to +2° C. For better preservation, we recommend that you store in a caviar refrigerator at -2 ° C. It is necessary to strictly observe the temperature regime.
Delivery by plane. Not free delivery.
Caviar of the sea hedgehog Premium  chilled 100 grams
Caviar of the sea hedgehog Premium chilled 100 grams Изготовлена по японской технологии
Consumer packaging: Container food plastic "5 cells", 100g
Transport packaging: thermobox 80*40*25 cm is an investment of 80 cans.
Mass Net of one transport place: 8 kg.
Mass gross of one transport place: 16.5 kg.
Extraction period: 10 days at storage temperature from 0° C to +2° C. For better preservation, we recommend that you store in a caviar refrigerator at -2 ° C. It is necessary to strictly observe the temperature regime.
Delivery by plane. Not free delivery.

Sliding caviar
Jerked caviar of the sea hedgehog 30 grams
Jerked caviar of the sea hedgehog 30 grams according to Japanese technologies
Consumer packaging: The package of doypack of silver color with zip-linx and ticking on top of 105*150 mm, 30 grams
Transport packaging: cardboard box 20.5*20.5*17.5 cm сontains 30 packages
Mass Net of one transport place: 0.9 kg.
Mass gross of one transport place: 1.5 kg.
Extraction period: 1 year at storage temperature no higher than 20 ° C, in a dry room.
Any delivery
Jerked caviar of the sea hedgehog 30 grams
Jerked caviar of the sea hedgehog 30 grams according to Japanese technologies
Consumer packaging: The package of doypack of silver color with zip-linx and ticking on top of 105*150 mm, 30 grams
Transport packaging: cardboard box 60*26*20 cm сontains 100 packages
Mass Net of one transport place: 3 kg.
Mass gross of one transport place: 4 kg.
Extraction period: 1 year at storage temperature no higher than 20 ° C, in a dry room.
Any delivery
Jerked caviar of the sea hedgehog weight
Jerked caviar of the sea hedgehog weight according to Japanese technologies
Consumer packaging: The package of doypack of silver color with zip-linx and ticking on top of 1 to 3 kg (the exact weight is indicated on the packaging)
Transport packaging: cardboard box
Mass Net of one transport place: 3 kg.
Mass gross of one transport place: 4 kg.
Extraction period: 1 year at storage temperature no higher than 20 ° C, in a dry room.
Any delivery

Caviar is sublimated
Sea hedgehog caviar sublimated 30 grams
Sea hedgehog caviar sublimated 30 grams Produced using Japanese technologies
Consumer packaging: The doypack package of gold color with zip-lice and ticking on top 205*140 mm. The package is placed in a gift box of 20*15*4.5
Transport packaging: cardboard box 21*20*18 cm investment 20 packages with bags and boxes
Mass Net of one transport place: 0.6 kg.
Mass gross of one transport place: 1 kg.
Extraction period: 1 year at storage temperature no higher than 20 ° C, in a dry room.
Any delivery

Live Sea Hedgehog
Living sea hedgehog
Living sea hedgehog This is delivered by an airplane in special thermobox. Delivery is included in the price.
Consumer packaging: not provided
Transport packaging: thermobox 60*40*17cm
Mass Net of one transport place: 7.5 kg.
Mass gross of one transport place: 8.5 kg.
Extraction period: Not installed. Sea hedgehog should be alive. Store at a temperature of 0 ° C to +2 ° C.
Sea hedgehog should be alive.
Living sea hedgehog
Living sea hedgehog This is delivered by an airplane in special thermobox. Delivery is included in the price.
Consumer packaging: not provided
Transport packaging: thermobox 80*40*25cm
Mass Net of one transport place: 15 kg.
Mass gross of one transport place: 16.5 kg.
Extraction period: Not installed. Sea hedgehog should be alive. Store at a temperature of 0 ° C to +2 ° C.
Sea hedgehog should be alive.
Payment conditions: prepayment 70%. Ready to discuss other conditions.
Delivery: by plane.
Quality is our goal Scientists of the Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science “Murmansk Marine Biological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences have proved that the consumption of sea hedgehogs calf helps to improve health and general physical condition:
• increases the adaptive capabilities of the body with increased physical activity.
• stimulates hematopoiesis, normalizes leukocytes
• increases the amount of red blood cells and the level of hemoglobin in the blood.
The incredible spectrum of irreplaceable substances
contains fatty acids (omega-3, omega-6), phospholipids, kateneids and prostaglandins. The caviar of the sea hedgehog is rich in iodine, indispensable amino acids and vitamins A, B, D, E, PP.
proven benefits for the body.
has valuable biological and active properties: antitumor, anti-sclerotic, immunomodulating and radio protection.
It was produced in accordance with Japanese technology
Innovative technology of shock acoustic frost, sublimation and drying allows you to maintain the biological value of the product.

Certificates All shipped products are accompanied by VSD and a declaration of conformity.
Our company is certified by the countries of the Customs Union (EAEU) and a number of foreign countries and guarantees quality control.
We have all the necessary documents and certificates confirming the high level of quality control of our products.

Mercury: The number of the enterprise in the register: RU 4213032;
IS "Cerberus": RU051: 50884043;
GUID: 4c4c34d9-57CC-45E1-A679-F74AE913B40D

Workshop for the processing of hydro-bionates "MP-Group" We invite you to visit the working production of sea hedgehog with the ability to personally prepare the caviar of the sea hedgehog, which can be used on the spot or in professional packaging to take with you ...
Production tourism at our processing factory for sea hedgehog We invite you to visit you a working factory for processing a sea hedgehog and become part of the team where professionals will share their knowledge and skills in cutting the sea hedgehog with you.

You will receive a professional tool and equipment , 1 kg of living sea hedgehogs of which independently, under the control of professionals or with their help, can learn how to properly process the sea hedgehog and manufacture various types of cooled caviar.
You will be trained on the highlighted section of the production line to extract, process and pack the caviar of the sea, without preservatives , making sure of the deservedly high level of our products. The fresher form or pick up with you in proprietary packaging.
Production line training You will undergo real training on the highlighted section of the production line and under the control of our professionals learn to properly process sea hedgehog and the manufacture of various types of chilled caviar of the sea hedgehog.

Presenting a professional tool for you, conduct instruction, equip.
You will be provided with one kilogram of Live Sea Hedgehog , which we will process into a first -class product that you can use in place or take with you.

Tasting and purchase of products Packaging for the caviar made by tourists of the sea hedgehog is included in the cost of the visit. Upon completion of the visit to our factory, you can take with you all the caviar of the sea hedgehog produced and packaged by you. As well as to purchase other types of our products for tasting, by the presence of: chilled, frozen, sluggish, sublimated caviar of the sea hedgehog, paste with caviar of the sea hedgehog, mussels and possibly other hydro-bioners.

Sign up for us for industrial tourism,
you can by number: +7(921) 153-57-80

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